Jade is a beautiful gemstone that comes in many colors, but green is the most popular. People have been collecting and wearing jade since Neolithic times. But how do you know if your jade is real or fake? And more importantly, how do you care for your jade jewelry? Keep reading to find out!
What is Jade and where does it come from
Jade comes from many places around the world. Jadeite jade being the most expensive types of jade that is found (of course quality differences varies the price) almost exclusively in Burma. Nephrite jade, the “little brother” of jadeite jade, is more common and found in many places such as China, Russia, Canada and Pakistan.
RealJade Co.® only carries natural jadeite jade that comes from Myanmar. RealJade’s exotic and beautiful natural jewelry has been worn by discriminating clients from all over the world. Natural jade is found in a variety of colors including white, green, lavender, orange, yellow and red. The finest quality jadeite is a vivid emerald green also known as imperial jade. RealJade Co.'s natural jade is delicately strung into necklaces, bracelets and earrings of great subtlety and beauty. Green has always been associated with good luck, and with RealJade Co.® natural jade you will be sure to have good fortune on your side!
How to identify fake Jade
There are many ways to identify fake jade. Of course the sure way is to bring it to a trusted jeweler for identification. But not a lot of jewelers have experience with jade. RealJade Co.® specializes in jade and we will share with you some ways you can test the jade you have in your house!
#1; The Jade has to feel dense in your hand;
Jade is a dense stone, it will feel sort of like a magnet in your hand. A lot fo customers come to our showroom and bring their bangles in and asks us to see if it's real. Usually, it's very very, and it feels light in relation to its size. If it’s a big carving, and it’s very light. Then that is most likely not jade. Or if a bangle is relatively big yet light like glass. 95% of the time is not real. ("Real" referee to A grade natural jadeite jade).
#2: The jade is very very colorful;
Another one of the very obvious telltale sign is that if the jade is very very green, and very even in color, it’s probably fake. Here are some examples. The colors are probably dyed into them, and jade that has dyed color tends to fade after a long time of wearing. Also with jade, the value of it comes from 4 things, the color, the texture, the craftsmanship, and the transparency. If we look at the bangles shown above, the color truly is marvelous, but if we look at the price of its counterparts sold by Sotheby's, the world-renowned auction house. We can really see where it doesn't make sense. Here's a video of the genuine jadeite bangle that was sold by the auction house Sotheby's. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=th_yKM02wxg , ourtesy of sotheby's.com
One very obvious sign of the jade bangles on the left being fake is notice how the bangles are so smooth and very even color. Compared to the one on the right which is a bangle around 4000 dollars. The texture of the stone is natural, looks like one that would come out of the ground and doesn't look like it's treated.
The color and texture is very similar to the bangle on the right, yet the price difference is night and day. In nature, jadeite like this is very very hard to come by. But a bangle that is dyed and treated, is worth a tiny fraction of its value.
#3: Does your jade get scratched;
Third tale-tell sign is to see if it gets scratched. Nephrite Jade has a hardness of 6 to 6.5, jadeite has a hardness of 6.5 to 7. So it’s quite a bit up there! So if you scratch it with one of your house keys. It shouldn’t scratch. Because of its interlocking crystalline structure, it’s very very good for daily wear. Disclosure: Jadeite is tough, but it will break if hit really hard against something.
#4: The sound of the jadeite jade:
This is particularly for jadeite bangles. In the video, I demonstrated how to do this test on your jade bangle. You can hang your jade bangle up by a thread, kind of like how a triangle is hung up. And grab a quarter, and cling it against the bangle. You should hear this high pitch noise, the sound is kind of like a triangle. With a minor difference in timber.
Why you should only buy real Jade
Jade is a coveted stone that has been used for centuries to create everything from jewelry to sculptures. Its popularity is due to its unique green color, which is caused by the presence of chromium. Jade can be found in a number of different places around the world, but the most prized jade comes from Myanmar. Genuine jade is quite rare and can be quite expensive. The most common type of fake jade is made from a stone called serpentine, which has a similar color and appearance but lacks the unique properties that make jade so prized. Fake jade is often used to create low-quality jewelry and trinkets, and it can be difficult to tell the difference between real and fake jade without expert help. For this reason, it is important to only buy jade from reputable sources. Not only will you be sure to get genuine jade, but you will also be supporting the responsible mining and trade of this valuable stone.
Where to find authentic Jade jewelry?
RealJade Co.® carries only natural jadeite jade and natural nephrite jade jewelry. We carry hundreds of jadeite bangles, jade necklaces and rings perfect for your loved ones. And most importantly, all jade is guaranteed to be authentic on www.realjade.com. Backed by a 100% money back guarantee. Browse today!
* Learn More: Jade & jadeite & nephrite
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** If you have any questions about jade, please just feel free to let us know, we are here to help.
I am after a type A Myanmar green jade beaded bracelet. I see you have a brown coloured one. Do you have a green colour in this grading?
Kind regards,
Where is you store located?